Thursday, February 5, 2015

Be My Valentine Red Bow Onesie

Valentine's Day is coming up. I was looking to buy a cute little Valentine's Day onesie, but I could not find anything that I liked. I decided to come up with my own!

You will need the following
- Felt
- Onesie
- Scissors
- Needle
- Thread the same color as your felt

First you need to make a bow.
You cut a rectangular piece of felt. The size doesn't really matter, it will depend on the bow size you want. To give you an approximate idea, my bow was 10 cm by 12 cm.
Then you pinch the middle of the bow making sure you fold the felt 3 times in the middle.
Take the thread and pull it through the middle. Wrap the thread around numerous times and pull through the felt again. Make a knot and cut the left over thread.
Now you need to cut a small rectangular piece of felt to cover your middle part. Again this piece can be any size as long as it covers the thread that holds the middle part of the bow. Wrap it around the middle part and sew it at the back of the bow. You are now done with the bow!

All you need to do is to sew it on the onesie.

You now have a cute Be My Valentine onesie and you can take cute Valentine Day pictures!


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